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To create a tree-based index for Sentence Transformers, we will need to:

  • Gather the whole set of documents we want to index.
  • Gather queries paired to documents.
  • Sample the training set in order to evaluate the index.
# Whole set of documents we want to index.
documents = [
    {"id": 0, "content": "paris"},
    {"id": 1, "content": "london"},
    {"id": 2, "content": "berlin"},
    {"id": 3, "content": "rome"},
    {"id": 4, "content": "bordeaux"},
    {"id": 5, "content": "milan"},    

# Paired training documents
train_documents = [
    {"id": 0, "content": "paris"},
    {"id": 1, "content": "london"},
    {"id": 2, "content": "berlin"},
    {"id": 3, "content": "rome"},

# Paired training queries
train_queries = [
    "paris is the capital of france",
    "london is the capital of england",
    "berlin is the capital of germany",
    "rome is the capital of italy",

Let's train the index using the documents, train_queries and train_documents we have gathered.

import torch
from neural_tree import trees, utils
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

tree = trees.TfIdf(
    key="id",  # The field to use as a key for the documents.
    on=["title", "content"],  # The fields to use for the model.
    leaf_balance_factor=100,  # Minimum number of documents per leaf.
    branch_balance_factor=5,  # Number of childs per node.
    n_jobs=-1,  # We want to set it to 1 when using Google Colab.

optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(lr=3e-3, params=list(tree.parameters()))

for step, batch_queries, batch_documents in utils.iter(
    loss = tree.loss(


We can already use the tree to search for documents using the tree method.

The call method of the tree outputs a dictionary containing several key pieces of information: the retrieved leaves under leafs, the score assigned to each leaf under scores, a record of the explored nodes and leaves along with their scores under tree_scores, and the documents retrieved for each query listed under documents.

    k=10, # Number of documents to return for each query. 
    k_leafs=1, # The number of leafs to return for each query.
    "leafs": array([["10"]], dtype="<U2"), # leafs retrieved
    "scores": array([[1.79485011]]), # scores for each leaf
    "tree_scores": [ # history of nodes and leafs explored with the respective scores
            "10": tensor(1.7949),
            "12": tensor(1.5722),
            "14": tensor(1.5132),
            "13": tensor(0.9872),
            "11": tensor(0.8582),
    "documents": [ # documents retrieved for each query
            {"id": 3, "similarity": 1.9020360708236694, "leaf": "10"},
            {"id": 2, "similarity": 1.5113722085952759, "leaf": "10"},

Once we have trained our index, we should further optimize the tree by duplicating some documents in the tree's leafs. This will allow us to have a better recall when searching for documents. We can use the clustering.optimize_leafs method to optimize the tree. We shoud gather as much queries as possible to optimize the tree.

from neural_tree import clustering

test_queries = [
    "bordeaux is a city in the west of france",
    "milan is a city in the north of italy",

documents_to_leafs = clustering.optimize_leafs(
    queries=train_queries + test_queries,  # We gather all the queries we have.
    documents=documents,  # The whole set of documents we want to index.

tree = tree.add(

We can now use the optimized tree to search for documents. We can pass one or multiple queries.

    k=10, # The number of documents to return for each query. 
    k_leafs=1, # The number of leafs to return for each query.