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Build an index from an existing tree

Neural-Tree can build a tree from an existing graph. This is useful when we have a specific use case where we want to retrieve the right leaf for a query.

The tree we want to pass should follow some rules:

  • We should avoid nodes with a lot of children. The more children a node has, the more time it will take to explore this node.

  • A node must have only one parent. This is a rule for the tree to be a tree. You can somehow duplicate a node to have it in multiple places in the tree.

Let's create a tree which has one root node, two children nodes and two leafs nodes which contains up to 3 documents.

graph = {
    "root": {
        "science": {
            "machine learning": [
                {"id": 0, "content": "bayern football team"},
                {"id": 1, "content": "toulouse rugby team"},
            "computer": [
                {"id": 2, "content": "Apple Macintosh"},
                {"id": 3, "content": "Microsoft Windows"},
                {"id": 4, "content": "Linux Ubuntu"},
        "history": {
            "france": [
                {"id": 5, "content": "history of france"},
                {"id": 6, "content": "french revolution"},
            "italia": [
                {"id": 7, "content": "history of rome"},
                {"id": 8, "content": "history of venice"},

We can now initialize either a TfIdf, a SentenceTransformer or a ColBERT tree using the graph we have created.

from neural_tree import trees
from neural_cherche import models

model = models.ColBERT(
    device="cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu",

tree = trees.ColBERT(


This will output:

 node root
     node science
         leaf computer
         leaf machine learning
     node history
         leaf france
         leaf italia

Once we have created our tree we can export it back to json using the tree.to_json():

    "root": {
        "science": {
            "computer": [{"id": 2}, {"id": 3}, {"id": 4}],
            "machine learning": [{"id": 0}, {"id": 1}],
        "history": {"france": [{"id": 5}, {"id": 6}], "italia": [{"id": 7}, {"id": 8}]},